About Me

A wife, a mother, searching for meaning, enjoying the ride.

Starting with Grace

...So the journey begins. My life, my kids, my love; all my passions wrapped up in this little family. And time keeps moving... faster. My desire for time to stand still in order to cherish each moment is defeated with each round of the clock. A new chapter...a camera, a computer, and my loves... to record the good times. My Goal: Enjoy the journey, cherish the moments and LIVE!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Beautiful Spirit w/ a Broken Heart

Yesterday on the way home from town Halle was screaming.  This is nothing new, she is usually done being in the carseat by then and we just endure.  Well, she quieted down long enough for Claire to tell me the following:

"It breaks my heart when Halle cries...well actually, God is in my heart and when Halle cries it breaks God's heart.  So when his heart is broken he leaves my heart, and that breaks my heart."

What a wonderful, amazing, imaginative, intelligent, great big sister she is.  And oh, did I mention I think she is BEAUTIFUL:

I have many more pics from this night that I want to edit b4 posting.  We had so much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think these are some of my all time favorite pictures of her.

