About Me

A wife, a mother, searching for meaning, enjoying the ride.

Starting with Grace

...So the journey begins. My life, my kids, my love; all my passions wrapped up in this little family. And time keeps moving... faster. My desire for time to stand still in order to cherish each moment is defeated with each round of the clock. A new chapter...a camera, a computer, and my loves... to record the good times. My Goal: Enjoy the journey, cherish the moments and LIVE!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Belle of the Ball

Ball gown, check.  Glass slippers, check.  Crown, check.  Princess, check check. 

We are ready for Halloween.  Last year Claire wanted to be a policeman, this year its nothing but princesses and dresses and talk of piercing ears.  Oh what a little girlie girl she has become.  We are nearing her fourth birthday and looking back over this past year I have witnessed my little toddler, the one I could dress in jeans and cute tees with sneakers and pony tails, turn into a little princess.  All she will wear now are dresses and skirts, sparkle shoes, tights and wants her hair in no more than a "half pony" because ponies just "don't look cute" (got to have some hair hanging down I guess).  I do not remember ever going through this phase.  When I was her age, I looked the part of a tomboy. I played with My Little Pony and Barbies, but I didn't like dresses and fancy accessories.  It is hard for me to relate to her wanting to play in these clothes.  To me these are for weddings and funerals, not playtime.  Although recently she did learn that her sparkle shoes fall off while running and when you are in a field full of cactus this can pose some major problems...a foot full of cactus and a pair of tweezers.  So she has agreed to wear the tennies on those expeditions, but most likely she will stick closer to home and spin around in her ballgown, pretending she is on Dancing with the Stars and hoping that this time judge mommy won't put her and Mauser (the dog is her partner) in jeopardy.

Here is my princess decked out for the ball:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Beautiful Spirit w/ a Broken Heart

Yesterday on the way home from town Halle was screaming.  This is nothing new, she is usually done being in the carseat by then and we just endure.  Well, she quieted down long enough for Claire to tell me the following:

"It breaks my heart when Halle cries...well actually, God is in my heart and when Halle cries it breaks God's heart.  So when his heart is broken he leaves my heart, and that breaks my heart."

What a wonderful, amazing, imaginative, intelligent, great big sister she is.  And oh, did I mention I think she is BEAUTIFUL:

I have many more pics from this night that I want to edit b4 posting.  We had so much fun.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lip Gloss

Halle has the most beautiful pink complexion.  I love these pictures:

 Peek-a-boo! I Luv U!

Beautiful Life

Halle's two months old today.  What a sweet time.  So dependent, so needy, so LOUD.  Yet these are some of the most cherished stages; the first smile, the first coo, the first sit up and dive off the changing table (oh yeah, that was only a dream THANK GOD!).  But really, she may have her days of being cranky or inconsolable, but I won't remember those.  I will remember the times when we cuddle in the chair, looking down at her little face as she sleeps on my chest; as she melts into me, her love goes straight to my heart.  And when I see that precious smile looking up at me as she blinks her sleepy eyes, safe in her bed ready to enter dreamland, joy fills my soul.  Being a mom is the BEST job!  What an awesome responsibility and what an honor. 

     Two Month Stats:   12 lbs 6 oz     23+ inches

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fan-fare FUN!

History reviewed, time to move on.

So now my history is shared, my future awaits.  I endeavor to explore photography and hopefully find an outlet, a hobby, a passion?!  I am learning everyday from my camera, my subjects (my kids), and browsing other blogs.  Hopefully this will be something worth sharing, all the while recording family moments.

In the last 3 weeks, I have taken nearly 1000 pictures with my new camera (canon rebel Ti1).  I have a lot of photoshopping to do, and as I finish projects I hope share their stories.  Stay tuned!

And baby makes 4

On August 4, 2010 we welcomed with loving arms, Halle Callyn
Another BEAUTIFUL girl!

A fulfilled, happy family

And then comes baby...Still History

Date: November 22, 2006

Place: Livingston, MT

Event: Birth of 1st born daughter...Claire Evelyn

Pure JOY from day 1.

CUTE as a button!!

Such a beautiful spirit.  Loving, kind, so full of life!  (and a beautiful model!)

They say it is history

The Date: July 4, 1999
The Place: Teton Wilderness, Northwest Wyoming
The Event: the beginning of the rest of our lives.

I met the love of my life at the end of a dusty, dirty trail, miles from civilization on the back of a four legged mountain beast.  What was meant, by my parents, to be a high school graduation trip, a last hoorah before college, maybe a final family vacation, turned out to be the beginning of the rest of my life.  I didn't intend on meeting anyone, I was five weeks from leaving home, gaining independence and exploring life.  And I don't think he was either, although friends of his made bets on us "hooking up," I don't think even they imagined they would attend our wedding.  But it happened, we met, we clicked, we endured and three years later we married. 
